What Can Akoe Do?

The Timesheets module provides the capability to track and manage hours worked by staff. You define pay periods, statutory holidays, and time types (such as regular hours, paid sick leave, or vacation time). You also indicate the details of each staff member's employment (such as total annual paid sick time allowed, rate at which vacation time is earned, whether he or she is entitled to overtime, their supervisor(s), and so on). Akoe automatically calculates statutory holiday time and overtime hours as each timesheet is entered.
Once the timesheet is submitted by the employee, Akoe sends an e-mail to the appropriate supervisor(s) requesting their approval of the hours submitted for the pay period. Akoe then requires approval from a supervisor before it will present the timesheet summary to the person handling payroll or for submission to an external service.
Akoe also provides the ability for an employee to hold a statutory holiday for a future substitute holiday when they work on the actual day. It will indicate that the substitute holiday is outstanding on every timesheet, for both the employee and the supervisor(s), until the substitute holiday has been taken.